Stop Hardening of the Arteries with this Fruit

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S.Functional Medicine University - The Leader in Online Training in Functional Diagnostic Medicine

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What if there was a fruit that protected you from hardening of the arteries and even if eating a high fat diet was shown to reduce plaque build-up in your arteries.

Well there is such a fruit and it is the simple grapefruit!

Grapefruit contains a powerful food component called naringinin. Naringenin is the abundant flavonoid which is responsible for the bitter taste in grapefruits.

In addition to the grapefruit’s ability to protect against arteriosclerosis and reduce plaque progression, it also stops clots by changing the genes that control clotting.

It even gets better!

Grapefruit improves insulin sensitivity for diabetics, naturally controls the cholesterol and improves vascular function.

So how much grapefruit should you eat?

Half a grapefruit a day has been enough to help get the benefits mentioned above.

So do your body a great favor and eat at least half a grapefruit every day.

Click Here to Download Medications That Interact With Grapefruit


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  4. Huong DT, et al, Activity and mRNA levels of enzymes involved in hepatic fatty acid oxidation in mice fed citrus flavonoids, Nutr 22:546-52, 2006
  5. Mulvihill EE, et al, Naringinin decreases progression of atherosclerosis by improving dyslipidemia in high-fat-fed low-density lipoprotein receptor null mice, Aterioscl Thromb Vase Biol 30:742-8, 2010
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