Published on Aug 11, 2014
Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research warns doctors about misleading American Heart Association statement regarding strokes and chiropractic.
Full news release at:
They looked at research which studied biomechanics of the spine to see if SMT could cause decreased blood flow to the vertebral arteries. NOT ONE SINGLE STUDY SHOWS THAT IT DIMINISHES BLOOD FLOW. Yet the study talks about mechanic forces do play a role in CD. This statement is completely false.
Comparative risks
- 15.3/100,000 deaths for NSAID and Aspirin users
- 49/100,000 sentinel events for cervical spine surgery (this is any death or serious complication following a medical procedure)
- 182/100,000 deaths for spinal surgery
.05 to.1 serious complications from spinal manipulation.
The chiropractic researcher involved with the study quit the study due to perceived bias of the group.
Here is the abstract
Here is Dr. Goertz response
Craig Benton, D.C.