Spending less time on the sofa lengthens ‘telomeres’ – the caps on chromosomes which protect the genetic code inside
The best anti-ageing technique could be standing up, scientists believe, after discovering that spending more time on two feet protects DNA.
A study found that too much sitting down shortens telomeres, the protective caps which sit at the end of chromosomes.
Scientists found that the less time a person spent sitting, the longer their telomeres, and the greater their chance of living longer
Short telomeres have been linked to premature ageing, disease and early death. So spending less time on the sofa could help people live longer by preventing their DNA from ageing
The research found that people who were frequently on their feet had longer telomeres, which were keeping the genetic code safe from wear and tear.
Intriguingly taking part in more exercise did not seem to have an impact on telomere length.