This Food Lowers I.Q. and Shrinks Brain

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., M.S., D.A.C.B.N

Having poured millions into advertising, the average woman has been suckered into believing that soy is her ticket to longevity. But she fails to realize that the soy that Japanese women consumed that contributes to their longevity and lowered breast cancer and osteoporosis rate is a far cry from a seed whose genes have been mangled by man, heavily contaminated with carcinogenic herbicide, and made into an unnatural chalk paste for mass consumption.

As makers of the first genetically engineered soy-bean seed that is resistant to huge amounts of carcinogenic pesticide (and therefore loaded with residues in its products) and makers of the herbicide, Roundup, used to kill weeds that choke out soybean growth, they have cornered the world market on soy production.

And infant soy formulas are in part responsible for our epidemic of Special Education teachers. They outnumber mainstream teachers, for the increasing numbers of kids with all sorts of brain deficits like ADD not to mention the highest cancer and eye glasses rate in kids ever.

The brain is loaded with estrogen receptors. To load the body with an unnatural processed food like tofu that lowers estrogen levels, is to deprive the brain. No small wonder that in men who consumed no tofu, 12% had shrunken brain volumes and loss of intellect versus 40% for those who consumed this goop twice a week.

Analysis showed tofu-eaters had not only over triple the strokes, but 7 times the brain impairment rated as moderate to severe. This is serious life changing impairment in memory and thought process.

Grodstein F, Mayeux R, Stampfer MJ, Tofu and cognitive function: Food for thought, JAmer Coll Nutr 19;2:207-209, 2000
White LR, Petrovitch H, Markesbery W, et al, Brain aging and midlife tofu consumption, JAmer Coll Nutr 19;2:242-255, 2000
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